Never own a dog.

It feels like one of those weeks and it is only Tuesday. Last night, I crashed in bed, but something woke me up in the middle of the night. Our lab, Denver, sleeps in our bedroom every night… well last night was no exception. But for some reason, Denver had some major issues and POOPED right smack dab in the middle of our white berber carpets (eeeek, I hope landlord never reads this). The hubs did his best to clean it up at such an ungodly hour while I scampered into the guest room and threw a pillow over my head to hide from the fumes. His cleaning technique has improved – heck, last time we had a dog poop situation, he used 409. On the carpet…. and it was not the carpet cleaning variety.

Once the hubs finished pouring water and Resolve on the three foot stain (Denver is a big messy dog), he climbed into the guest room bed. I asked what time it was – I was really hoping he would say midnight. NOPE….4am. Alarms would be buzzing and ringing in less than two hours. The hubs ended up missing his ruck march and I slept an hour past my alarm, which meant my typical 90 minute morning routine (yes, that seems excessive but you try blow drying this hair) was only 30 minutes. Thank God (or Keurig) for one cup coffee pots because those Green Mountain Pumpkin Spice Coffee Pods are my saving grace lately.

So the day could only get better from here, right? Sort of. I knew it was going to be a long day so I snuck in a spin class over lunch. So glad I did that. The organization I volunteer for,  The Cause Library, really needed help tonight, and I agreed… so I knew it was going to be a long day.

I snacked throughout the day, specifically on this delicious dry roasted edamame I am hooked on:

I highly recommend it. I have found it at both Food Lion and World Market in North Carolina. My mom describes it as tasting like “dirt”, and I can understand why she thinks that. But I promise, this is good healthy dirt.

Once I finally made it home, I had a really boring dinner consisting of leftover chicken from Sunday (still tasty, despite not loving chicken, the hubs cooks it incredibly) and a bowl of mixed squash, asparagus, carrots, and onions with TP (not toilet paper, but Texas Pete, the cheapest and most phenomenal hot sauce).

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And for dessert was half a bag of Spelt Pretzels…. seriously, you don’t know what you are missing until you dive into a variety of Newman’s Own Pretzels. R.I.P. Paul Newman! By the way, his Mango Salsa is off the charts as well. 😉

ty I am trying to hit the hay at a reasonable hour but am getting sucked into The Hills. I never watch anything besides the news, but there is something about MTV reality trash. Perhaps it is that I always wanted to be on the Real World, never applied, and am now too much of an old hag to even be a possible candidate. Oh well – can’t complain. Nightskis.

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